Massage is not just a treatment of the body - it also helps relieve stress, muscle tension and increase general well-being. Your therapist is an expert on the treatments they offer so you can be sure that you get the best.

Waxing is a very gentle and effective hair removal method that provides a smooth and hairless skin. The treatment should be repeated periodically because of a regrowth within 3-6 weeks of treatment.

A manicure is an opportunity to lean back in the chair and relax while someone else cares about you. As a result, you leave with healthy and beautiful hands and nails. The main part of treatment is a through peeling, nail care, nail polish and a voluntary lacquering of the nails.

Braids are a simple and a nice way to forget about hair styling for several months, give your hair some rest and protect it from hard environmental factors. They are ideal for long or medium hair.